lunes, 19 de septiembre de 2011

There is no one like my mommy

Who do you admire? Well, surely the answers may vary and it is perfect, because each of us have people to admire, and when I say “people to admire” I am not referring exclusively to those who stand on stage and entertain us to the rhythm of their dance and singing of his voice . I mean those people who we really admire because of their perseverance, their values towards others, and toward life. I especially admire my mother for everything she is and for all she fought for a better life for me. She is humble, generous, down-to-earth, and beautiful inside and outside. I really admire her. Before I start writing this blog I asked to me who I really admire. For a moment it was a very difficult question to answer. You cannot admire any person you think of. The people you admire must have to deserve your admiration. I immediately thought of my mother and all she has done for me. I mean all the love she has had since she found out that she was pregnant. Since then she has not stopped loving me. Nothing I may do will make my mom love me less.

For me, my mother besides being my inspiration in everything I do is my best friend. She is that person that I can trust unconditionally and without limits. During difficult times in our lives, she has always been the strongest, even though sometimes she spills tears, she always proved to be an admirable woman. The most useful education I received from her is the fear of God. Like any human, sometimes we doubt, but always his advice is that "God does everything for a reason."  What I admire the most about my mother is her devotion to her family. When everything seemed to go from bad to worse, she was always united with the family. For over 16 years old, she forgot to work and left his studies to devote to my sisters and me. She was always there when I was in and out of school, when we were sick, when we needed help with homework, and we always had a very delicious food, even at midnight, if we were hungry. My mother always taught me the day off and day of worship, which is Sunday. I try to never fail in the church. My mother always told me and taught that Sunday is for God and we must give it the respect it deserves.

I admire her because she knows to be the voice of reason amid the confusion, because she knows preserve serenity amid the chaos, and she always has words of comfort and caring for when they are most needed. Now she must have a manual on how to be a mother. Everybody loves her, and I know why. Because she spreads joy, because she does not lose his head and she knows what is the right measure of a good life.  The fact that she is funny, generous and patient does not mean that she does not know when to stop. A look from her was usually sufficient to prevent childhood pranks and other behaviors. My mom cooks in an indescribable way! To mention just four things, she does the best deli, the best lasagna, the best pie, and the best baked turkey. She knows how to enjoy life. She is happy with a “tortilla” with salt, and with any of the foods I mentioned earlier. She has an innate talent for navigating the most diverse environments and to make others feel comfortable, welcomed, valued and loved.

She has always offered a happy home and a place at her side for every person she met, and though sometimes not everything has gone well, the truth is that where she has been, is always room for joy, for light and for some crazy things.

Mom, I wish I could tell you how much you mean to me. But there are no words to describe, how much I admire you, how much I appreciate you, and how much I thank you for everything you have done. I love you.

You eventually become who you admire. Are you admiring the right people?

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